I want to become an indie marketer with zero clients, zero employees, and zero offices as I shared in my game plan. In order to do that, I strategized 3 business models, that are completely digital …
The world of equal opportunities
I came across this tweet of Hamad Dar. One of the people I admire in the internet space. And... this tweet resonated with me. On the very same day, I came across this 7 year-old picture of my …
Unlimited distribution
As I'm venturing into becoming an indie marketer, I'm exploring all the possible businesses that I can start, scale and flip as a single-person business. I have 6 years of experience in servicing …
A simple time management technique that works
Over the years, I tried several apps and techniques for time management. None of them worked for me. What stood out for me and I ended up adapting it for a long time was simple pen and …
The Game plan
It is important to have a game plan in life. An overview of how you will like to steer your life to reach an ultimate destination. I was confused on my life's game plan until I heard the following …