Following me on Facebook, you’ll know that I talk a lot about USA popular TV Show SUITS. Although my all time favorite TV Show is House of Cards as I have said in my About Page. But if I start ranking TV shows I’ve watched, Suits will come second on my list.
Why to watch TV Shows for your Entrepreneurial Career
Just like a good book, a good TV Show help you to improve yourself. Improve the way you think, observe and proceed life. The physical demonstration of various lessons compiled in one Episode helps you to learn something new with each episode all along the season. I read this on my Facebook newsfeed and I strongly believe this, “if you’re not investing time to improve yourself, you cannot go to the next level”. So just adding one TV show episode in your schedule for Weekend can help you learn something new about your Business or Life.
Here are the list of life lessons from Suits, I have picked.
“They know You Care. They Walk All Over You”
It’s Harvey’s (Suits Leading Actor) one of most popular quote you can find on Internet. There is no such thing as *Free Lunch. There is no one who is going to take care of you unconditionally (except your family obviously). If you’re kinda guy/gal who do things unconditionally for someone and they don’t even bother to know what’s up in your life when you’re in trouble. Those are kinda people you need to eliminate from your life. The more they think you care about them, the more they will try to take benefits from you.
“You Need to Get Your Shit Together”
It doesn’t matter how hard your life is or how bad your past had been. You need to wake up, dust off and go after life every single day. Everyone has bad days, but you just need to “keep your shit together”. Harvey probably quoted this in the middle of Season 2 of Suits when Mike was too worried of getting caught working as a fraud associate. One good thing about Suits is, it is full of awesome metaphors and this one depicts to firmly hold your emotions, feelings together and have a fresh new start, everyday.
Don’t Wear Emotions on Your Sleeves
I read a book named “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” where the author shared brilliant ways to practice your emotions to use them in a positive way. There is a quote mentioned in that book, “if we don’t retrain and practice our emotions, they will use us”. Same thing goes with this emotional animal whose emotions are always sitting on his sleeves, Louis Litt. This guy is brilliant, outranks everyone at work, has a perfect lifestyle but because of being too much emotional with every perspective of life. He looses the big win at the very end. On the contrary, Harvey has been represented as cold and he gets what he wants from life.
Set Goals But Don’t Go Blind
Jessica Pearson who is presented as the most influential leader in her firm where she works as managing partner. She never took a day off, goes to her firm everyday, take bold decisions, manage other spectacular people for the betterment of her firm. But if you watch till end of Season 4 of Suits. You’ll find Jessica’s personal life doesn’t go well because of her such enthusiasm towards her work.
Define Your Own Composition of Being Awesome
Yet another awesome saying from Harvey and a big lesson for guy like me. You need to do yourself a favor, stop copying others and define your own composition of being awesome. Stop telling yourself that you cannot do something even if you’re not capable of doing it. Harvey working as a Lawyer, bluffed himself in most of the cases he plays until he find a better way around. Heard this quote? “Fake it till you make it”. Yeah, I’m talking about the exact same thing. Stop telling others that you don’t have such potential to make it happen, bluff it first until you find a better way to do it.
Although, there were many things I learnt from Suits. But only mentioned those that I liked the most and if you get offended by any of these above mentioned, then calm down guys. These are from my personal perspective. And if you have not watched Suits, then you’re seriously missing it. Start today with the first episode, you will come back thanking me. You can share this post if you liked and you can sign up yourself to my newsletter for more blog posts on my personal blog.
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